Fast Facts
Why the Easter Cross Witness?
The Easter Cross Witness seeks to be a catalyst for all of the branches of the church to come together in unity to jointly testify to the single most important event in history. That event is the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Easter Cross Witness believes that celebrating this event together with joy will give those who participate in this witness the opportunity to share with others the hope that is within them. Specifically, since Jesus has been raised from the dead, those who put their trust in Him by faith through grace for the forgiveness of their sins will not die but will be given life eternal. The Easter Cross Witness believes that this is something to celebrate.
What are the official dates for the Easter Cross Witness?
Some churches make crosses available to participants during the Lenten season beginning on Ash Wednesday. This is fine, others jump in weeks before Easter. The Easter Cross Witness “officially” runs for two weeks, beginning on Palm Sunday. The crosses are placed blank side out before Easter and are turned on Easter Sunday to display the message that “He is Risen!”
Whatever date you decide to begin- JOIN THE EASTER CROSS WITNESS!
Who can join in this witness?
Any church that professes these two truths can participate:
1. That Jesus physically rose from the dead, and
2. He earned the right to forgive the sins of those who call on Him by faith.
How many different denominations have participated?
- Presbyterian Church in America
- Southern Baptist
- United Methodist
- Episcopal Church of America
- Evangelical Free Church
- Catholic Church
- Assembly of God
- Presbyterian Church (USA)
- Northern Baptist
- Salvation Army
- Lutheran Church; Missouri Synod
- Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Christian Missionary & Alliance
- Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
- Orthodox Presbyterian Church
- Reformed Church in America
- Independent Charismatic Churches
- Independent Baptist
- Church of Christ Disciples of Christ
- Reformed Baptist
- Anglican Churches
- Evangelical Presbyterian Church
- Independent Bible Churches
- The Four Square Church
- Vineyard Church
- The Church of God
- Pentecostal Church
- The Church of Christ
- Evangelical Presbyterian Church
- Church of United Brethren
- Christ Methodist Episcopal Church
What are some other benefits to Easter Cross Witness?
One of the most recurring comments that the witness has received is that, as hundreds of crosses go up in communities and cities throughout the states, those who seek to follow Jesus and be a disciple learn who else in their neighborhood is also on the same path. And just as “X” can mark the spot with a cross displayed, homes or apartments without crosses can identify a home that needs prayer.
What was the genesis of the Easter Cross Witness?
In the fall of 1984, the founder of the ECW took his young bride to Europe for an extended vacation. He invited his parents for the trip and asked his father where he would like to go. His dad had been in the Navel Air Corp and requested only that the trip’s itinerary would include a visit to Normandy. He desired to visit the battlefield where thousands of Americans had given their lives. So on October 15, 1984 on a bluebird autumn day, the founder of the witness walked out on a field and saw thousands of crosses demarking the graves of fallen soldiers. It was a staggering, solemn sight. The image of this morning was deeply impressed into his memory. For twenty years at Easter he kept thinking about those crosses. He wondered if enough crosses could be placed identifying the home of a follower of Jesus Christ, and not a fallen soldier, could change a community? In the spring of 2005, he decided to stop thinking about it and take action. He invited three friends to breakfast and shared the vision with them. All attended different churches in his community. Six weeks after this breakfast, six thousand crosses were delivered to seven local churches who had decided to participate. As thousands of crosses went up, the Easter Cross Witness was born!
What is the ultimate prayer and hope for the Easter Cross Witness?
The prayer for this witness is that it will remain a witness, backed by prayer. The intent is that the visual witness will provide opportunities for an appropriate verbal testimony about the hope that those displaying the cross have within them. Since the Lord has a sense of humor, and rejoices in using fallen broken people, the founder is praying and working to distribute the crosses worldwide.
Please pray!
- That the silent visual witness of hundreds or thousands of crosses in a community will create opportunities for those who participate in this witness to share with others the hope that is within them.
- That the body of Christ will come together, unite and testify in unity to the Risen Christ. The Father likes it when the family works together.
- As the world see us unified, many will join the family and experience forgiveness of their sin and be adopted as a son or daughter of the King of Kings.