Jesus Is Coming for a Bride, Not a Harem

The Easter Cross Witness has three specific goals as it stretches across this country from town to town, state to state and eventually around the world.
The first goal is to Unify the Church during the Easter Season in Joint Testimony to the most amazing event in history, the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ. This event changed everything. Why is the first goal of this witness to create unity?
The night before He was crucified, Jesus alone in the garden prayed what is know as His High Priestly prayer. This prayer is recorded in John 17.
22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
So get this… The world will know that the Father sent the Son when the world sees Christians…UNIFIED. Oops! Guess there is a little work to do here. How can you be unified if many in the Church don’t even like each other, let alone love each other. The first major split of the church occurred in 1054 when the Western Church and Eastern Church (Rome and Constantinople) came apart at the seams. The second big split occurred when Luther led the protestant reformation. Soon split after split multiplied when today there are over 34,000 different denominations worldwide. BUT there is ONE true church. And Jesus is coming for a bride- NOT a harem!
Satan hates unity and works full time dividing families, companies, organizations, friends, Christians and churches. The battle is real and the casualties are everywhere. We live in a broken world. Jesus has come to initiate the Kingdom of God and he has given us a new commandment at he launched His Kingdom.
I have never had more joy in my Christian journey than seeing Christians of many different denominations and doctrinal beliefs come together at Easter to jointly celebrate that which units us all. Specifically, the resurrection from the dead of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who conquered death and earned the right to forgive us from our sins. The Easter Cross Witness was created to bring UNITY to a divided church. The goal of this witness is best expressed in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians in chapter 4, verse 13.